Sheep & Goats

Sheep & Goat Pregnancy Tests The sheep & goat pregnancy test detects pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (early PAGs) in EDTA plasma or serum of sheep & goats as early as 30 days post breeding in with no interference from a previous pregnancy after 83 days post-lambing. $5.00 per sample. Tube labeling, shipping instructions or drop off instructions below or click the button to download the blood sample submission form.

Animal Selection and Sample Handling – IDEXX

Sheep that were previously pregnant must be at least 83 days postpartum in order for any residual PSPB to be gone. Sheep also need to be a minimum of 30 days post insemination for blood. Goats need to be a minimum of 30 days post insemination for blood. This test only tells you if the Sheep/goat is pregnant or open. Gestation cannot be staged by this particular assay. Blood should be collected in a clot tube and stored refrigerated until submission for testing. It is not critical that samples be refrigerated for shipment, but it is a good idea to have them refrigerated prior to shipment. PAGs are quite stable and there seem to be no unwanted effects of serum sitting on the clot. Samples should be shipped for receiving in 1-2 days.


No Disease testing offered at this time


1. Label tubes consecutively. (Example: 1 through 10). Always put this number above the animal ID.

2. Put animal ID on proper tube. Always put this number below the tube #.

3. Copy these numbers onto the North Texas Livestock Diagnostics Blood Sample Submission Form.
Note: A list of tube numbers, 1 through 60, is already in a column on the form.


Please mail samples to the following address with payment included:

2051 County Road 4665

Leonard, TX 75452

Please make checks payable to North Texas Livestock Diagnostics


Drop off samples and submission form with payment in the drop box at the gate and call or text 972-849-9307 to let us know you have dropped off samples.

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